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[NEXEN CULTURE] N'GELS Celebrate Sustainability Day

October 26, 2022 3 min read

Staff Writer

NEXEN CULTURE, our feature stories section, includes in-depth articles on company and tire trends, in addition to our GEAR UP employee interview series.

Earlier this year, we introduced our N'gels as part of the "80 facts" series, which was posted in honor of NEXEN TIRE’s 80th anniversary.

During working hours, our NEXEN Angels, also known as "N'gels," commute to the company's offices in Korea to attend the on-site daycare facility. While the parents are at work, NEXEN TIRE provides N'gels with educational activities and courses on safety, exploration, personal development, etc.

To celebrate Sustainability Day (the last Wednesday of every October) and as a fun way to promote environmental protection, NEXEN TIRE's N'gels participated in a number of practical eco-activities including making bird nests, gardening, pottery, and reusing old clothing and fabrics with natural dyes.

Through these initiatives, our N'gels learned the value of sustainability while also receiving educational advice they can use for the better good.


NEXEN N'GELS Celebrate Sustainability Day


Growing plants and vegetables is just one of the enjoyable environmental education activities that can be found in gardening. More importantly, it helps children in learning activities like nature exploration and respect for all living things.


NEXEN N'GELS Celebrate Sustainability Day


Old clothes and handkerchiefs were reused using natural dyes made from sappan wood, gardenia fruit, and indigo. This was a great and entertaining way for the kids to learn about some of the many things that mother earth provides.


NEXEN N'GELS Celebrate Sustainability Day

Making a bird’s nest

Our N'gels were given the task of creating bird nests because animals in urban areas struggle to find safe habitats to survive. They had a wonderful opportunity to learn about the value of wildlife and the significance of finding food, sleeping, eating, and building nests.


NEXEN N'GELS Celebrate Sustainability Day
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